EVERLON FINANCIALS LTD (Previously Known as EVERLON SYNTHETICS LTD) is a BSE listed company and having decades of industrial and financial market experience. Everlon has now decided to move towards clean energy financing and has been registered as an Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC) pursuant to be issue of Certificate of Registration by Reserve Bank of India.
India is moving towards Green and Clean Energy and is the world's third largest producer of renewable energy .India’s target of achieving 500 GW of renewable energy capacity by the 2030.Financing is emerging as the key challenge to this vision, slowing down the pace of growth.The most critical issue facing India’s financing framework is the lack of innovative financing options that will offer larger investments at lower interest rates and for longer durations.Everlon plans to overcome the financial challenges to partially achieve the renewable energy targets set by the Indian Government.Everlon has now commenced Solar Plant financing activites.